The objectives of tunnel lighting are as follows:

• Ensure the safe entry, passage, and exit of traffic into the enclosed area.

• Achieve this without impeding traffic.

These goals are accomplished by providing adequate tunnel lighting that allows drivers to quickly adapt to the light, detect potential obstacles, and pass through without reducing speed.

These requirements apply both during the day, when the contrast between the outside and inside is high, and at night, when it is lower; the opposite is also true.

Click here for the technical document.


Model Name  Number of LEDs  Current (mA) Luminous Flux (lm) 3000 K Luminous Flux (lm) 4000 K Power (W) Yield (Im/W)
LUXCIDUM 155  72  700 20000 21000 155 >135
LUXCIDUM 140 64 700 17500 19000 140 >135
LUXCIDUM 110 48 700 13000 14500 110 >135
LUXCIDUM 70  32 700 8750 9800 70 >135
LUXCIDUM 50 24 500 6500 6900 50 >135
LUXCIDUM 35 24 350 4800 5300 35 >135

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